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Pathways15: Social Eyes - Autism, Social Interaction and Inclusion in the VET, Higher and Tertiary Education Sectors
Elaine Hatfield-White, US- Understanding Social Skills
SocialEyes is a resource developed by The National Autistic Society, London in 2010. It was developed with and by people with autism alongside leading professionals in the field to facilitate social skills and social understanding with people on the autism spectrum. The aim of this presentation is to bring the SocialEyes program to a wider audience, increase audience awareness of the difficulties people with autism experience in educational, work and social settings and to celebrate the unique strengths that people can demonstrate given tailored support such as a mentoring program.
Pathways15: Strengthening and promoting opportunities in VET: Australian Government perspective
Katerina Lawler, Assistant Secretary, Policy and Regulation Branch, VET Quality and Policy Division
This presentation will discuss the programs, policies and future opportunities within the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment to support people with a disability in the vocational education and training (VET) sector. Areas of focus will include the Disability Standards for Education Review and the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program.
Pathways15: Successfully Embracing the Unknown: the TAFE NSW 2020 Student Support Journey
Greg O'Connor, Texthelp and Anita Raftery, TAFE NSW
This presentation will share the journey of TAFE NSW rapid move to supporting students through Connected Learning, connecting teachers and students via virtual platforms like Microsoft Teams. Learning and teaching support strategies and technologies were strengthened, changed and transformed in term 1 to meet these new unprecedented COVID-19 needs and requirements. This session will explore the implications for future support models moving ahead to the post-COVID training environment.
Pathways15: TAFE Specialist Employment Partnerships (TSEP)
Pam Anderson and Kirsty Runciman, NDCO Program
TAFE Specialist Employment Partnerships (TSEP) is an employment service based at the TAFE campus to meet specific needs of graduating or graduate students with disability seeking employment. The service is available to all students identified as having a disability and/or who access support from the TAFE due to the impact of their disability. A number of TAFE campuses in Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia are currently delivering the TSEP Program. This is an opportunity for practitioners to learn about the TSEP partnerships and benefits to assist with implementation of the program in other regions.
Pathways15: Teach Me How to Fish Please: What’s Reasonable about Reasonable Adjustments - doing with rather than doing for
Julie Kiroluch and Anthony Gartner, La Trobe University
Julie and Anthony will discuss the personal challenges they encountered through the rolling out of assistive technology to replace human intervention at La Trobe University. They will highlight some of the belief systems that got in the way, the opportunities they found to overcome them, and the outcomes as reported by students. Ultimately, they will discuss the fundamental mind shift that necessarily occurred for them as practitioners during this process.
Pathways15: The COVID Attitude - an Exciting New Normal for Assistive Technology at Western Sydney University
Sally Leggo and Natalie McLaughlin, Western Sydney University
Discover how the small but committed Assistive Technology team at Western Sydney University used the disruption of COVID-19 as an opportunity to completely transform their services into a more flexible engagement model, delivering superior value to their clients and expanding their reach. Walk away inspired to think about Assistive Technology from a different perspective. The AT Team will give a brief overview of the innovations we have implemented that enabled us to expand our focus so no student is left behind, and no staff member either!
Pathways15: The VET Disability Practitioner: Then, now and what the future holds
Brandon Taylor, TAFE Queensland
The role of disability practitioner in the VET sector is one of challenges, demands, competing priorities, availability and personal integrity. This workshop will reflect on the VET practitioner journey across three stages (then, now and future) and shine a light on the opportunities and necessities for the VET disability practitioner in 2020 and beyond.
Pathways15: Using Covid-19 as an Opportunity to Change Practice and Promote a New Perspective on Assistive Technologies
Fiona Thomas, Texthelp; Sally Leggo, and Natalie McLaughlin, Western Sydney University
Western Sydney University partnered with Texthelp to provide students with access to Read&Write in 2017. Initially, uptake was limited to staff and students with a workplace Reasonable Adjustment Plan (RAP) or Academic Integration Plan (AIP) in place, but has now moved to an inclusive environment where disclosure of disability is not a requirement to gain access to Assistive Technology (AT). We will discuss how Western has begun to build a diverse base of Assistive Technology (AT) champions and supporters amongst staff and students, getting digital accessibility and AT into the discussions of key decision makers and change agents across Western and embedding the idea of inclusion through technology in new initiatives, systems and practices. Importantly, we'll share around the uptake and impact of these initiatives.
Pathways15: When Peer Notes Fail to Meet the Grade: Using Note Taking Technology to Improve Student Outcomes
Lee Chambers, Sonocent and Jim Sprialis, Sprialis Consulting
Do peer notes truly provide equitable, helpful notes? Can note taking technology do more to be a learning investment for students? This presentation will review how Australian and North American institutions have found success with Glean: our new note taking technology invested in the learning process. Glean follows the principles of Universal Design for Learning to improve study skills and productivity by setting out to tackle the barriers in class that make learning harder regardless of your ability.
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