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Pathways15: Making Virtual Work - Employability and Career Events for Students with Disability in the Covid-19 Era
Jessica Buhne, Caroline Krix, Jacqui Lentini, NDCO Program; Friederike Gadow, Australian National University; Richard McKeon, Prosple; Krista Markham, University of Queensland; Mel Bruniges and Michelle Jeffrey, Macquarie University
2020 has seen traditional career expos transition from large scale in-person events to virtual platforms that can be accessed from anywhere. This workshop will showcase an unprecedented collaboration in the tertiary education sector, resulting in an innovative virtual event program designed to highlight inclusive employment pathways for students with disability. The session will conclude with a call to action and opportunity to be involved in future iterations of the events highlighted in the workshop.
Pathways15: Moving from On-Campus to Online
Melissa Wortel, Griffith University
Taking an on-campus university off site and has had its fair share of challenges. With the sudden increased workload, the focus has also turned to ensuring course work and materials are accessible. This presentation will provide an insight into the teams we have working on captioning options for areas that were “uncaptionable”, teams working on various “how-to” documents and video, teams working on how to best support those students who need assistive technology and purpose built “COVID” teams designed to assist the Learning and Teaching community in navigating through the online environment.
Pathways15: NCSEHE research findings: supporting mental health, academic success and employability of students with disability in Australian universities
Nicole Crawford, David Eckstein and Tim Pitman, National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education
Since 2016, the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) has supported twelve Equity Fellows to conduct targeted research projects, advancing student equity research, policy and practice. Three of the 2019/20 cohort will share findings from their year-long projects, with specific reference to students with disability and supporting student mental health and wellbeing: university students’ mental wellbeing from the perspectives of mature-aged students in regional and remote Australia; issues concerning the provision of careers support for university students with disability; and how universities can better support students with disability in succeeding in their studies.
Pathways15: National Disability Insurance Scheme
Mary Hawkins, National Disability Insurance Agency
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants have a number of employment and study options or pathways and supports available to them, depending on their stage of life and their goals and aspirations. Hear from Mary Hawkins, Director of the Employment Outcomes Branch at the National Disability Insurance Agency on NDIS funding principles, NDIS funded study supports and NDIS funded employment supports
Pathways15: National Disability Strategy and Tertiary Education
Anthony Gartner, La Trobe University and Dr Lisa Stafford, Queensland University of Technology
As a signatory to the 2008 United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments of Australia are committed to a shared vision for “an inclusive Australian society that enables people with disability to fulfil their potential as equal citizens’ through the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020. The Strategy is currently under review. Lisa and Anthony will have a conversation about the strategy review in context to Inclusive Education in Tertiary Sector, current thinking on the directions it could take and the importance of future reference to the 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals both for policy and practice.
Pathways15: Panel Session: Autism Mentoring Program
Panel Facilitator: Debbie Hindle, University of Tasmania
Panel Members: Jasmine McDonald, Curtin University, Katy Lambert, University of Newcastle, Charlotte Brownlow, University of Southern Queensland, and Susan Hancock, Australian National University
There is a growing interest in how peer mentor programs can support students on the autism spectrum in their tertiary studies. This panel session responds to needs identified in a Tertiary Autism Mentoring Community of Practice for information on how to get a program off the ground. The panel features staff from three mentoring programs across Australia who will share their experiences of setting up and sustaining a successful program.
Pathways15: Panel Session: How to drive change through Disability Action plans
Panel Facilitator: Dr Paul Harpur, University of Queensland
Panel Members: Jodie Hoger, TAFE NSW, Hemant Kokularupan, Kangan Institute, Samantha Tiernan, Charles Sturt University and Dagmar Kminiak, University of Sydney
As the numbers of students with disability in tertiary education continue to grow many tertiary education providers are using their disability action plans to not only improve participation and educational outcomes but also to create a sense of belonging. And when tertiary providers take this approach, they also improve inclusion for their staff with disability. This panel will feature staff from TAFE and University sectors who share their experience with developing and implementing Disability Action Plans.
Pathways15: Panel Session: Student Experience
Panel Facilitator: Graeme Innes, AM.
Panel Members: Anthony, Jack, Beth, and Ryan
This panel session will explore the experiences of students with disability in Tertiary Education. Current and Alumni Students from Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education will share their study journey including what has worked well or could have worked better. The session will be facilitated by Graeme Innes AM and will cover topics such as inclusion, access, reasonable adjustments and challenges and successes within tertiary education and transition into employment.
Pathways15: Removing Barriers to Opportunity: How to Set Graduates with Disability on the Path to Employment Success
Daniel Valiente-Riedl, WorkFocus Australia
One in five Australians lives with disability, and this number is likely to grow. This number represents human potential that is underrepresented across our community, including workplaces. For students, University and TAFE career practitioners are one of the top sources to secure graduate roles. Drawing from extensive experience supporting thousands of Australians with disability, the presentation will feature practical tips and resources, illustrating how career practitioners can support students and graduates with disability transition into employment.
Pathways15: Silver Linings from the COVID-19 Scoping Survey to the Sector
Debbie Hindle, University of Tasmania
During 2020 COVID-19 disrupted life for most people working and studying in tertiary education. However, despite the challenges, uncertainties and difficulties this caused there also emerged some silver linings. This workshop gives a brief overview of the range of silver linings that were identified through the scoping survey conducted by ADCET in July this year. It will also challenge you to consider how we might carry some of these forward as we create our ‘new normal’.
More results may be available to members