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Pathways15: 2020 A Space Odyssey: Exploring Unchartered Territories in the VET Sector
Penny McCulloch and Sheena Cranwell, TAFE Queensland
This presentation is intended to provide an insight into innovative practices developed by TAFE Queensland AccessAbility Officers [TQ ASOs] to ensure accessible delivery for students within the vocational training environment. With the shift to the online delivery of courses, one obvious challenge is how can students build practical skills without a purpose-built environment, reflective of industry standards. Presenters will share insight into various approaches to working in the online space. The goal to continue Good Practice in Access Ability Support was and is achievable despite evolving changes when equitable practices are key in service delivery.
Pathways15: Access Plans for VET Educators: A Call to Arms
Jen Cousins, TAFE SA and Meredith Jackson, TAFE Queensland
This presentation explores the key challenges equity practitioners experience in working with educators in responding effectively and appropriately to access plans, the challenge of building educator capability in facilitating conversations, exploring inherent requirements and reasonable adjustments, and documenting these negotiations and agreements. We will showcase the new professional learning framework and resource, developed by our COP, encompassing the purpose of the access plan; educator and equity practitioner roles and responsibilities and strategies to optimise a positive learning experience for students with disability.
Pathways15: Beyond Compliance - Innovative Approaches to Accessibility and Inclusive Education in VET
Jen Cousins, TAFE South Australia
In July 2020 TAFE SA introduced a new educational leadership role, a Teaching and Learning Specialist in Accessibility and Inclusive Education. This specialist will be responsible for providing leadership, authoritative advice and strategic guidance on best practice in access and inclusive education across the educational programs. This presentation will share some of the learning that has occurred since this role was created, highlighting conceptual frameworks, critical thinking, and challenges in the initial development of this role.
Pathways15: Findings from the NSW Disability, Disadvantage and VET study
Jennifer Smith-Merry, University of Sydney
Our research, which was funded by the NSW Government, sought to understand the experience of people with disability as they moved through VET and into employment through talking to people with disability, their supporters, services, vocational education providers and employers. We also looked at available education and employment data to compare outcomes for people with disability and other forms of disadvantage. This presentation reflects on the experiences and views expressed in the 71 interviews we conducted.
Pathways15: Strengthening and promoting opportunities in VET: Australian Government perspective
Katerina Lawler, Assistant Secretary, Policy and Regulation Branch, VET Quality and Policy Division
This presentation will discuss the programs, policies and future opportunities within the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment to support people with a disability in the vocational education and training (VET) sector. Areas of focus will include the Disability Standards for Education Review and the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program.
Pathways15: The VET Disability Practitioner: Then, now and what the future holds
Brandon Taylor, TAFE Queensland
The role of disability practitioner in the VET sector is one of challenges, demands, competing priorities, availability and personal integrity. This workshop will reflect on the VET practitioner journey across three stages (then, now and future) and shine a light on the opportunities and necessities for the VET disability practitioner in 2020 and beyond.
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