Australian Tertiary Education Network on Disability

Pathways15: External Support Workers in Tertiary Settings Launch

Orientation for External Support Workers in Tertiary Settings Resource: - e-Learning Program Launch

This resource was launched on the International Day of People With Disability

This program is designed to focus on the roles and responsibilities of workers who are externally employed (paid or unpaid) by individuals and organisations to provide support to students with disability in tertiary settings. The program aims to develop your understanding of how you can best provide this support and manage your responsibilities.​

The Project

  • Funded by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment in partnership with the National Disability Coordination Officer Program and the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training.
  • National Project Advisory Group of representatives from the University and VET sectors, the NDCO Program, the NDIA and NDIS
  • Informed by Students with Disability, External Support Workers and Agencies who employ Support Workers.

Who is it for?

  • Anyone who is employed externally to provide support to students with disability in a tertiary setting
  • We would really love to see tertiary organisations and support agencies make this an additional requirement for all External Support Workers attending campus.
  • Education and Training Organisation and Institutions who do not have a formal orientation process for support workers