Australian Tertiary Education Network on Disability

Ken Lofts


Teacher Consultant
TAFE NSW - Western Institute
New South Wales
Phone: (02) 6338 2525

Ken Loft is the Teacher Consultant Visual Disabilities, TAFE Western NSW, based at Bathurst Campus with responsibilities across the Western Institute form Lithgow to Broken Hill and Dunedoo to Grenfell.

He is currently a part of a team of seven Teacher Consultants which consists of one TC Vision, one TC Hearing and Deaf, one Psychiatric, two TCs Physical Disabilities and two Intellectual and Learning Disabilities.

Ken was one of the founding members of DEAN and had a number of years on the DEAN Council. Previously Ken was AP Vision in the NSW school system (DET) and started his  teaching career as an English/History high school teacher.

Ken has a particular interest in promoting Universal Design for learning materials and the physical environment.